The Moroland is made up by Mindanao, Sulu, Basilan, Tawi-Tawi and Palawan is currently known as Southern Philippines. It has twenty three but only 5 provinces have a Muslim majority. This land compromises 96,438 sq km – about thirty three percent of the total land territory of the Phlippines. The populations of the Moros were estimated at about 2,504,332. This number, however, is being questioned by the Moros as a strategy by the government to portray them as a small minority in the Filipino populations.
The Moros were once considered the most developed communities in the entire Philippines. They have very organized lives and had a government that dates well before our own Republic. Those governments are the Sultanate of Sulu, and the Sultanate of Maguindanao and Buayan. Sultan Kudarat united Maguindanao and Buayan into one Sultanate, the Sultanate of Maguindanao in 1619.
Sultan Kudarat’s power and influence was so broad that he was able to collect tributes from seafaring inhabitants of the coast of Borneo and some areas of Basilan and Visayas.The eleven major ethnic groups that compose the Bangsamoro are the Maranao, Maguindanao, Iranun, Tausug, Yakan, Sama, Sangil, Kaagan, Kolibugan, Palawan and Molbog. They have their own languages but only a few have political power. The Bangsamoro was once a dominant group in the country. They have the longest political experience in the Philippines at 500 years. Their culture is a combination of Islam and Adat. Adat is the sum of both pre-Islamic culture and the philosophical interpretation of the Muslims on the teachings of Islam. It is the lasting contribution of the Bangsamoro people to the country’s national body politic.
The Moros were once considered the most developed communities in the entire Philippines. They have very organized lives and had a government that dates well before our own Republic. Those governments are the Sultanate of Sulu, and the Sultanate of Maguindanao and Buayan. Sultan Kudarat united Maguindanao and Buayan into one Sultanate, the Sultanate of Maguindanao in 1619.
Sultan Kudarat’s power and influence was so broad that he was able to collect tributes from seafaring inhabitants of the coast of Borneo and some areas of Basilan and Visayas.The eleven major ethnic groups that compose the Bangsamoro are the Maranao, Maguindanao, Iranun, Tausug, Yakan, Sama, Sangil, Kaagan, Kolibugan, Palawan and Molbog. They have their own languages but only a few have political power. The Bangsamoro was once a dominant group in the country. They have the longest political experience in the Philippines at 500 years. Their culture is a combination of Islam and Adat. Adat is the sum of both pre-Islamic culture and the philosophical interpretation of the Muslims on the teachings of Islam. It is the lasting contribution of the Bangsamoro people to the country’s national body politic.
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